Car Wash Hose

car wash hose


I’m fortunate that I’m a stay at home mom with a part-time career that I can enjoy in the confines of my home/office.  But that’s become somewhat of a problem, too.  I’m finding that I need something more physical to do besides housework to make the day enjoyable.  I don’t have the time to go to the gym, and the home exercise videos are ok, but can get repetitious.  When I voiced my concerns to my husband, he jokingly said, “Well, you could always wash the car!”.

At first, I got angry.  But the more I thought about it, I sort of liked the idea of doing something constructive that was physical and being able to help hubby out at the same time.  So I began looking for car wash products.  It’s cold here, even though I’m in the South, so getting outdoors to wash the car was out of the question.  Because the TV is always on to provide background noise, the commercial for the Freedom One Waterless Car Wash on an As Seen On TV commercial caught my eye. Because I could clean my car in the garage where it’s sort of warm without using the freezing cold water from the hose, I thought it might work for me.

But before ordering, I asked my husband to check it out.  He liked that it that it contained surfactants to lift off dirt and that the natural soaps were environmentally friendly.  But I think most of all, he liked that the polymer polish formula was wax free so that I wouldn’t leave a white residue if I got any on any vinyl or rubber. So for about $28 (including shipping) I ordered it.  It sounded expensive until I figured out that I’d get 5 to 10 washes from the 32 oz. bottle, and not have used any water.

So, after it came in, I waited until after school so I could get some help from the kids.  I gave them each a panel to do, and I took the rest.  I started at the top like the directions said, and worked down.  The Freedom One Waterless Car Wash just sprays on, wipes off, and buffs up!  They sent two microfiber towels with the order that work great for the wiping and buffing.  I probably used too much of the wash on my initial venture, and am now not using nearly as much of the product to get the same great result.

Speaking of the results, our car isn’t new, so I really didn’t expect much in the way of a renewed showroom luster.  I was really surprised (and so was my husband!) at the great shine I got.  I’ve been able to keep it looking great with just a few touchup sessions.  The nice thing is that the kids really did a good job on their sections, and want to do it again.  Now…getting your kids to enjoy helping with a project is something worth talking about!

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SoapJet Car Wash Hose Nozzle