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Electric Car Questions and Answers

I own a problem near my car’s electrics. Can you serve?
I am trying to sell my car but have a problem that desires sorting before I do.When the windscreen wipers are on and move to the top of their action (i.e. pointing skywards) the engine cuts out for a fraction of…

R/C Car….Electric or Nitro?
Okay, So I’ve been out of the hobby for about 3 years now….I’m looking to grasp back into it. I used to have a Traxxas Rustler w/ many Hop-Ups….It be pretty quick and I was going to go brushless right since…

An electric vehicle have four battery whose total volume is expressed as v=8wh+5wh+4w^2h. Factor the right side?
An electric car has four batteries whose total volume is expressed as v=8wh+5wh+4w^2h. Factor the right side of this formula v = 8wh + 5wh + 4w^2hThis is kinda a impossible volume formula that the problem gives you (it…

Watch ‘Who Killed the Electric Car” on YouTube (9 parts). It’s an eye introduction.?
I was very surprised when I watched this. It posed some terrifically interesting questions on why we don’t have some of the alternate vehicles we should own. While there are vast amounts of propaganda on both sides of this…

What happen to the Electric Car?
I know they exist, I’ve actually seen one a few years ago, so where are the Electric Cars. Oil is a finite resource, but at hand are at least a half-dozen ways to produce electricity. Over 50 million Americans have commutes…

Why Are Electric Cars Always So Weird Looking…?
Since the power source is so feeble they have to be very desk light and aerodynamic, with big wheels to reduce rolling resistance. They also must enjoy a heavy-duty suspension to deal with the weight of the battery. The…

Physics Summative – Electric Cars?
I got my gr. 11 physics summative today. My partner and I have to explain (in physics terms) how an electric car works. That includes both the electrical and kinematics sense of the vehicle. We have to give a 15 minute…

what wud it rob to turn a 08 acura tl into a hybrid electric coupé..or a 08 civic coupe(if they dont alredy hav
it would take a great effort and engineering and money to convert a car into a hybrid electric. also consider you would probably own to have the car re-certified (inspected) and then you would own to deal with the insurance companies…

Who kill the electric vehicle?
The Goverment made auto companys design & BUILD theses cars but when they worked too well the Goverment, Major Auto Manufacturers and Oil Companys killed the production and covering the technology from the public. The electric car is alive and…

What kill the EV1 and other electric cars?
Was it the car companies? oil companies? the government? or the consumer?I believe that it be the consumer because with enough people we the consumer can money anything. Agree? Politics, pure politics, killed the electric car.All 4…

How do you interweave an electric saloon glass up?
The electric window to one side of the car has gone comatose. It is now stuck in the down position but the other window side works fine though.I checked both fuse locations inside the motor and hood but none of…

Isn’t it time presently for the Electric Car ?
If I were president today, a lot of things would not be happening that are cause Americans so much grief today.One is the allowing of oil subsidies and record petroleum profits while Americans head toward $4.00 per gallon at the pump.One…

Is it possible to procure an adaptor to run conventional uk electric products (3 pronged plug) stale a vehicle lighter?
Try the maplins web site or store, staff are really helpful and they have gadget for everythingFound this item for you 2nd link should take you too it and here is the info on itMP75 12Vdc Inverter Information:Converts 12Vdc to 240Vac…

Why don’t we lately own electric cars already?
Ok we have the technology, just that Business Tycoons would loose their “money” so, why doesn’t the Government Enforce electric cars and recycle all the cars we enjoy now?I really would not mind not seeing a society with just adjectives electric…

Do you presume I’ll do resourcefully selling electric cars contained by the South?
This question can be answered by anyone but I will be paying closer attention to what southerners have to say. I live within a nice size city in Alabama and I’m interested in selling EVs. I have the bread…

my coupé will start but no electrics?
I insalled my original battery after it being used by a freind, presently the car will start and move, the headlights and horn work fine, but NO other electrocs will work, no idicators or electric windows, these all works similar to…

Are in attendance any modern 100% electric cars near 4-5 seating?…what’s the price?
I need something that is already on the market…100% electric.I also have need of to know the price…$$$ With between 4-5 seats.i would love a website too if available there ARE no 100% electric cars on the market. and nearby…

do electric cars use alternators?
how do electric cars work?Do they use an alternator?Thanks for your help If you think of the electric motor being an alternator when providing regenerative braking, ie when slowing down the motor operate in “reverse”, putting energy back into…

what IS a hydrid or electric motor?
what’s the difference between the 2? Any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power that can directly or indirectly provide propulsion power is a hybrid. Most hybrid cars on the road right now are gasoline-electric hybrids. An electric…

is it legitimate to drive an electric motor…?
on the public roadways in Nevada, USA? like all states, nevada doesnt protection how you power the car as long as all state regulations are met.

If i can solve the electric car’s problem would anyone jump for it?
Thing is, I do have a possibility to go on for solving the electric cars problem of running low on power , but it involves a pwer source that hasn’r been invented on the other hand of which i’m working on…

what are the best ways for an electric car/truck to power itself?
alrite? ideas forward please.this is just to expand the mind. It is not good to hold a motor generator to charge the batteries. The change from mechanical to electrical power will cost u roughly speaking 40% and from electrical to…

When will you contestant draw from us bad grease and install curl, solar, electric cars?
Where did you see a wind-powered electric car? I have seen solar-powered electric cars. But they are totally unworkable…unless you want to drive across the Mohave Desert and nowhere else.

What is the given name of that latest skinny electric coupé?
I want to buy an electric car. Saw a skinny one at the 2007 SF International Auto Show. Can’t remember the name or who makes it. Anybody know? First you enjoy the Corbin Sparrow also known as…

Couldn’t glorious gas prices be the pefect opportunity for the electric vehicle ?
Why doesn’t anyone promote the electric car ? Is it because the oil companies have made a backroom operation with manufactures to trash the idea ? Will the Japanese turn to it ? Any thoughts here ? …

How do you convert a regular vehicle to electric?
I heard Tom Hanks and others celebrities are endorsing Electric Cars…how do I do it….I abhorrence the idea of gas, hybrids, other crap the auto & oil industries try to peddle at me like a street hustler! BTW anyone else see…

How in the order of powering electric cars next to nuclear battery?
Nuclear batteries are safe, generate a large body of power for a long time, and never have to be recharged. And this technology could be available soon.Wouldn’t this be a great idea to power electric cars? I read about…

Will you buy an Electric coupé…or any other alternative?
I just read where the electric cars are coming back again. It appears the reach is getting better 400-650 miles between chargings. I would love to have a car I can purely plug in at night and use it for work….

Looking to buy 8yr. out-of-date coupé owner say 20K unproved miles – is it possible to cheat near electric odometers?
-2000 VW-Im taking it to the dealer for the $100 basic inspection before making a edict anyway. Nowhere near as easy as with the infirm mechanical ones. Chances are pretty good it’s for real.I’d be leery of an 8-yr-old…

How much does it cost to transform a gas vehicle into an electric saloon?
One of my coworker did it. He turned a 1974 Ford Mustang into pure electric and it cost him about $22,000. Most of the cost were in the Li-ion battery that he installed. The controller were the next…

How much does it cost to transform a gas saloon into an electric vehicle?
It depends on what you want to get out of it. Do you want a car that can out drag a Corvette or something to out around town at 30 MPH? Are you going to be happy going simply…

Are near any 4-5 form 100% electric cars contained by the USA?
can you name some 100% ELECTRIC cars in the USA?i need something modern…not monstrous Look up anyone that does electric car conversions in your local areas. You can modify the Toyota Prius to run 100% off electricity but it voids…

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About the Author

Wiki Wai Wash – Kahului, HI

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